AMC Septic Design & Testin​g Services LLC
Providing Design & Testing Services to Chicagoland for 30 Years!
For your convenience, if you wish to use a credit or debit card for immediate posting to your account, you may use PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this service. You will receive an immediate confirmation from PayPal and you will receive a "paid" invoice from us with your document package.
Click below to remit
We understand that for some of our clients, a septic system replacement may have come about as an unexpected expense. For this reason, we are happy to offer "PayPal Credit" as a payment option. Simply click the link below to get started. AMC Septic Design and Testing Services does not receive any consideration or compensation from PayPal if you choose to use this service. The terms of the credit plan will be strictly between PayPal and yourself. This is offered simply as a convenience to our customers.

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the success of your project!